Sunday, January 04, 2015

The blessing

My nephew Jonathon inspired me to read through the bible in 90 days by taking on this action in his own life. It's like 12 to 14 chapters a day, so not overwhelming but certainly requires attention to make it happen.  I have been spending my nights after the boys are in bed reading through their daily assignment instead of playing games on my phone. 

The first 4 days have taken me through the book of Genesis. Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. There are a lot more characters than just these 7, but the main storyline  was carried through these players. 

You know what I found to be the most interesting as I read through Genesis?  The blessings. Blessings from fathers to sons. Blessings from uncles to nephews. Blessings from men to kings. Blessings from men to enemies. Blessings from God to man. The entire story was littered with blessings. It was like Oprah was passing them out. You get a blessing, and you and you and you; everybody gets a blessing. 

I am stretching it a little there because it wasn't all roses and cotton candy in this book. There was murder and lies, rape and revenge, and all sorts of things God didn't intend for us. But the blessing, the blessing was coveted.  The moment that sticks out the most to me is when Esau says to his soon to be dead father "don't you have any blessing left for me?"

So I'm left wondering so many questions from this read through Genesis. Am I blessing others?  Who should I be blessing?  What should (or could) a blessing look like?  When should I be blessing?  Bless my enemies, really? How do I create a nature of blessing in my life?  Are there any people in my life like Esau that would appreciate even a little blessing?  Am I like Esau?

I think these are questions that are worthy to think on and pursue answers to. 

What are your thoughts?

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