Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Like father like son

I am like my father, who is like his father, who was like his father...this pattern goes back to the first father...yup, all the way to Adam.

For me, being like my first father is often not appreciating the gifts that God has given me...more specifically the people that God has placed in my life as gifts. Adam didn't appreciate Eve the way he should have, especially after he sinned..."the woman you gave me" was the way he pushed blame off. At this same moment though he devalued Eve.

Think about it, isn't it true that every time we don't thank God for somebody He has placed in our lives that we really don't have the right view of them. And if we don't have the right view of them, aren't we devaluing them?

I have begun to believe that we can't truly appreciate something until we understand that we are in need and that this person or thing fills the need we have.

Take my sister Trisha for example...for years I have kept her an arms length away but because of the brokenness I have experienced through this divorce I have realized I am need of my family. I posted something yesterday about a meeting I was concerned about on Facebook. Yesterday she said she would pray. Just now she asked how the meeting went.  She loves me.  She is a gift.  After all these years, I have begun to be truly thankful for my sister...but it began with me realizing my need.

It is the same way with friends...I appreciate them (you), am grateful for them (you), because they (you) care and fill a need I have. I hope I give you something in return.

It is the same with my worship of God as well. Before I did not understand as I do now my need for a Saviour. Today I see differently. I have begun to see the many ways (major understatement) that I have been trying to earn grace instead of simply receiving it. I see that I can simply receive grace because of what Jesus did on Calvary. My brokenness pointed me to my need for my Creator and Jesus blood was the path to get me to him. My Creator is slowly making me whole. I worship Him because of who He is and what He can do.

So, I may be like my father, but I am trying to change that. I am trying to appreciate.

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