Thursday, August 02, 2012

Getting my house in order

This is a post mostly for me and my restless heart, words I need to remind myself of because feelings can deceive and steal a heart away.

5 months ago I realized I wasn't ready to date anybody even though Kim had been gone for a while and I really wanted to have somebody. To people close to me I called myself an ineligible bachelor. I listed 5 things that put me on that ineligible list. They were the things I needed to work on to "get my house (myself) in order".

1) my finances.
2) personal healing.
3) personal growth.
4) becoming highly disciplined.
5) continual submission to God

5 months and little has changed. I only say little because although there has been much progress there was a great need. Such a great need.

This means 2 things. For starters, it means that I am not available ladies so you should stop wondering or telling your friends about me ;) but at the same time the man of greatness that is forming inside me will be worth the wait. (not joking with that one)

More importantly, it means the journey inside me through questions I have long ignored still needs to be made. It is part dying to myself and part trusting my Creator. There are books to read. Thoughts to ponder. Scripture to memorize and meditate on. Solitude.

Maybe 5 months from now some of these will be checked off or I will become much closer to a satisfaction point. I guess I will let you know at Christmas time

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