here is the big thing i learned by cutting out most of the distractions:
i have been living a life of fake relationships.
yup, fake relationships. and the worst part of it is, i have a rule that i have to know the people that i friend on facebook. so it is fake relationships with people i know.
here is how it goes. you post something cheery, or something about where you are at, or some pictures. i think it is pretty cool and like it, or maybe in the rare case i comment on it and it goes back and forth once or twice. the end.
and we associate without ever really associating. we know facts without really knowing people.
in my month without facebook, if i wanted to know how somebody was doing, i had to call or text them. i even used that same phone that i would have checked on facebook with. pretty miraculous. but those phone calls allowed for real conversation, and i could tell my the inflection of that persons voice if they were as good as their facebook posts made it seem.
i have to figure out what is next for me in regards to all these apps and social media, but for today at least, i am keeping them off my phone...cause technically its still june :-)