Sunday, April 01, 2012

overwhelmed and frustrated...

i had this post mostly written out and ready to publish...and then i realized it was a bunch of whining...words saying how much things are not what i want in life and from life...but what good will that do.

so, here is my second attempt tonight...

friends, i am overwhelmed and frustrated.  i am in need.  it is hard to write that, and it will be even harder to click on the publish button.

i am not kidding either.  just to write those words, i am in need, is hard for me to do...because it opens up the chance that you wont care...or worse yet, that you will not think as highly of me as i want you to.

i am in need is me saying that i feel too weak to face these struggles alone.  i often feel alone.

i can admit this need tonight because i feel overwhelmed by the task and frustrated with this place in my life.

i am not asking for you to do things for me, for you to make my burden lighter, but i am asking these few things:

please encourage me
please pray for me
please talk with me
please include me in life
please listen to me

i know that this is just a season in my life, and that God is indeed using this time to draw me closer to him, but i know you were also placed in my life for this season as well.  thank you for being here.  thank you for helping me in my time of need.
(there are many of you that are wise and can have very good input into my life, but please resist telling me what to do, and what i should consider most import, but please feel free to question me as you listen so that we can struggle together.  please know that your questions will sometimes need time to be struggled with)


Rick said...

Rob - hang in there and keep being honest. No doubt, what you are experiencing is intimidating to people around you and just like a friend with a medical problem reminds us of our own mortality, what you are experiencing can have the same effect on the people around you.

I'm heading out of town today but if you have time for a cup of coffee next weekend (Friday or Saturday), let's connect.

Steph said...


While it is certainly hard to write those words, it's needed. Not just for your own healing and needs, but also for the ability to encourage others to reach out when they need help, to let them know they are not alone in their darkest moments. While you may feel others will look down on you, I believe they will raise you up in their own ideals of who you are and in prayer.
It will get easier, someday......until then.....keep reaching out.