Sunday, December 21, 2014

Target on the wall

3 years back there was a parenting study I went through with some friends. Instantly, it changed the way that I parent, not because of some magical formula, but because Chip talked about targeting. 

Targeting is part goal setting, part leading by example, and part correcting the course complete with confession.   

(I didn't realize it at that point, but I was beginning to be shaped for what some of my business relationships now look like as well)

I get reminders all the time that I have great influence on my boys, influence that includes the words I speak but goes well beyond them.  It is my actions that teach them. 

While this thought is scary at times, it is what drives part of my being as well. I want to be the man I want my boys to become. I want them to be giving to those in need, so I give. I want them to experience the greatness of sex only within their marriage covenant, so I am waitin. I want them to be critically thinking, so I engage their mind and value their opinions. I want them to be thrifty, so I teach them to divide purchase cost by ounces to understand the best value. I want them to celebrate life, so we party when good things happen. I want them to be emotionally strong, so I listen to their hearts cry. I want them to know the face of God, so we pray together. 

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