Friday, June 01, 2012

T minus 12 hours

It is almost race time. As I start writing it is 12 hours and 15 minutes

This 5k will be a milestone. It will be the first item in my list that I will get to check off. This list is a list of things I want to, for various reasons, do in my life. The list started very small but it has grown. I should probably revisit it and add some more things I am serious about but it is sometimes difficult to decipher between a desire and a dream.

In spending some time alone tonight I have been looking back over the last few months and I feel like I have come a long way. I feel more consistent, more disciplined. I think that I have matured and gained wisdom. I know these things have happened actually.

And tonight, while I sit here alone, I am smiling, I am dreaming, and I am believing that I am loved.

Milestones are all around, and even though I may not have added some of these experiences to my list of things to do, I enjoy looking back to see how many milestones have added up.

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